About Our Founder

Dr. Cyndi Romine
Founder and President
Dr. Cyndi Romine is recognized internationally as one of the leading authorities regarding children who are missing, have been abused or trafficked. She also provides active solutions for rescuing victims of this injustice. She has been described as a woman who is willing to crisscross the globe to answer the call of her passion regardless of personal cost. She’s weathered typhoons, navigated floods and stood boldly in the midst of terrorism.
Cyndi began laboring for this cause in 1988. She has worked with the starving masses huddled in the trenches but has also worked alongside the dignitaries and heads of state in Manila, Nigeria, Burma, Guatemala, Panama and North America. She has helped train national police forces and worked hand-in-hand with International intelligence law enforcement agencies regarding prevention, rescues and rehabilitation. Cyndi has spoken to over 500,000 people in over 10 continents spreading awareness, education, teaching self defense and advocating solutions regarding human trafficking.
Cyndi is founder of Called To Rescue in the USA, the Philippines, and Guatemala. Called To Rescue is also supporting children in Mexico and Burma while targeting many other nations.
Using her natural enthusiasm, gifts of exhortation and excellent speaking skills, Cyndi impacts the hearts of her listeners. Her perspectives on life’s challenges are filled with reality and truth. Her genuine love for people, and especially these children, motivates many. Cyndi’s speaking is motivated by passion, filled with conviction, extremely productive, and highly effective.
Why this passion that grips my life?
The steam rose from the lush growth of the tropical rain forest as it covered and cooled us; we started up the center of the river heading towards the falls.
As I glanced to my right, toward the shore, I saw a white man pay a man and woman for the “use” of a 3 year old baby girl. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Could this be happening right in front of my eyes? I was stunned. Shocked. Sickened. We were too far away. I cried. I lost my lunch over the side of the canoe, as we watched him rape his little girl.
My life focus, as of that moment, and my destiny was forever and always changed from that moment on.
Statistics today show us that this problem of sex trafficking and victimization is growing exponentially fast and our work will continue to be a life’s work. – Dr. Cyndi Romine